
企业简介 讲究实效,完善管理,提升品质,增创效益”中天俊达始终本着务实的态度和向上的精神跻身于玻璃纤维制品行业中。公司位于华北平原天津市, 以中国北方最大的港口天津港为依托,毗邻滨海机场,交通便利。以独特的区位优势,深得企业发展先机。 我公司技术力量雄厚,引进最先进的玻璃纤维生产设备。拥有从拉丝到终端的一条龙保障系统。其中包括三条短切毡生产线,两条针织毡生产线等。目前产品已达到了规格系列化,品种多元化,质量标准化。近年来主要产品有短切毡,缝编毡,方格布,玻纤薄毡和无捻粗纱等。 公司现有员工500余人,年产量达两万余吨。并有完善的质量管理体系,检测设备齐全。工艺技术,生产设备,产品质量均达到国际标准。目前已出口100多个国家和地区,深受客户好评。 我们秉承客户至上,质量第一”的原则,将以最优质的服务和最优惠的价格与国内外客户携手共进, 共创辉煌! introduction high efficiency, perfect management, good quality, stable innovation, zhongtian junda have been devoted to the glassfiber product area with the pragmatic manners and active spirit. be located in tianjin, which is one of the biggest harbor in the north of china. nearby the binhai airport, it seized the developing opportunity of the enterprise by it’s unique geographical superiority and convenient transportation. our company’s technical force is rich with the most advanced fiberglass production line. we own a large scale with several lines of glass to final products which including three lines of chopped strand mat and two lines of woven roving, etc. our product has achieved series in specification, diversification in variety and standardization in quality. recently, the main products are as follows chopped strand mat, stitch mat, woven roving, fiberglass tissue, twistless roving and so on. now we have more than 500 staffs and annual output has surpassed 20,000 tons. with the complete control of quality system, strict procedure for quality, our level of technology facilities and quality has reached the international standard. our products have been well sold more than 100 nations and regions, enjoying a good reputation both at home and abroad. we believe thatcustomer first, quality foremost” and will lead our clients to create a more splendid future with our constantly hard working, best service and the reasonable price. [了解更多]



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